We exist to exult and enjoy who God is, what He has done, with His people in the world.
We Believe In The Glory of God Alone
The overarching goal of all things in this life and the next is God’s supremacy not man’s.
We Believe In God the Father
We believe that the Father is the first person of the Trinity, who eternally begets the Son and plans and sends Him in time to accomplish the work of redemption.
We Believe In The Supremacy of Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus is God’s eternal Son who is eternally begotten and not made by God. We believe that He is the world’s only Mediator and Savior. We believe that He is the final Prophet, Priest, and King.
We Believe In The Holy Spirit
We believe in the third Person of the Trinity who indwells us, who applies the finished work of Christ to us, and equips us to serve God.
We Believe The Holy Bible
We believe in God’s authoritative, infallible, and inerrant Word to mankind.
We believe that Christians know God and His world through God’s Word and not through man’s independent ways of understanding.
We Believe In The Means of Grace
We believe that the Word of God, the sacraments, and prayer, are the ordinary and primary means of relying on God.
We Believe In Covenantal Preaching and Teaching
We believe in Covenantal preaching and teaching the biblical and Christ-centered point in every message.
We Believe In Law & Gospel
We believe that we need God’s law to show us our need for the gospel where Christ fulfills the law for us. And we believe God’s law remains our good guide for life.
We Believe In Covenant Theology
We believe the Bible is about One Savior’s One Story and His One People in every place.
We Believe In The Church
We believe that God works primarily through groups rather than primarily through individuals.
God primarily works through the corporate institution of the church and family
We Believe In Reformed Theology
We believe in God’s monergistic and absolute sovereignty in all existence in a way that informs all of life.
We Believe In The Kingdom of God
We believe that God is ruling and reigning in the present in His heavenly throne and is conquering His enemies by the power of the gospel through the ministry of the church.
We Believe In The Creeds & Confessions
We read, teach, and confess the Scriptures with the historic church, not the latest theological novelties.
We Believe In The Great Commission
We believe our church exists solely for The Great Commission, to make disciples of all nations, by the gospel word, both locally and broadly.
The church’s mission is not Social but Salvific.
We Believe In Holiness
We believe that every Christian is subject to all of God’s law and lives in the world as distinct and set apart ethically unto God.
We Believe In The Sovereignty of God
We believe that God is the only unlimited being who rules over all His creation through limiting and separating human powers.
We believe that all spheres are subject to God and His Word.
We Believe In Creation
We believe that God is the sovereign Lord over all of creation.
We believe that God made all things out of nothing by His Word not through the Darwinian heresy of evolution.
We Believe In The Image of God
We believe that men and women (in their creational differences) essentially understand themselves and their value in relation to God, not in their relation to themselves, nor what other ideologies say.
We Believe In The Last Days
We believe that the Christian’s ultimate hope is in eternity not the present.
We believe that Christ will return to make all things new and not set up 1,000 year failure.
We believe in eternal judgment for all those who are not in Christ and the glory of the resurrection for those who are in Christ.
We Believe In Classical Theism
We believe the classic view of God as the One who is totally independent and distinct from creation and unchanging in all that He is.
We believe in the God who is eternally all that He is, at all times, in all that He is, and is never some of who He is, at some times.
We Believe In the Abrahamic Promise
We believe God has always been and will always be a multi-generational God who relates to and works through believing families.
The reason we administer baptism to the children of believers is due to God’s promises to both believers and their children.
We Believe In The Five Solas
We believe in the Five Solas. Salvation is for God’s Glory alone. It is by grace alone. It is in Christ alone. It is through Faith alone. And all this is revealed in Scripture alone.